Tuesday 29 July 2014

The Diary of Montague Hardwick Knott, 1957 (7)

Monday 29.7.57

Woke soon after 5o’c & arose at 6am. Went thro’ usual routine. After b’fast H went to washing clothes etc I to call on Rev Stevens at Lambourne Rectory & then on to B’m. Nobody was working on the house. Most disheartening. Visit Miss Loker, Church Sec & Treasurer. A worthy soul who told me much of the Parish and its affairs.

Called on the Hartleys. Mrs H a little better. Mr was his usual sweet, courteous, slow & diffident self. Made me late home for lunch.

Took H to Leyton & went on to Mother’s myself.  Vera & Christine arrived as I was about to leave. H had a moving farewell from the Leyton Hall Woman’s Mtg. They gave her a framed photo of the women.

Rang Mr Dale the architect. He knew of the halt in work at B’m.  Says he will meet us on site on Wed pm. Said also he’d written Contractor to say he’d find another builder if he did not find work resumed by Wednesday. Apparently he can do this under the terms of the contract.


As we must move within a fortnight & store our furniture Mins has agreed to let us live w her. Miss G is quite amenable too. This is comforting. 

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