Thursday 11 September 2008

Ninety Years On. Remembering the First World War (7)

Extract from ‘Notes For A Parish History’ written by Revd. E. H. L Reeve of Stondon Massey (Essex).

11th September 1918

The Harvest has been everywhere especially bountiful and the weather unusually favourable for gathering it in.

It is said that the supply of corn is sufficient. Ploughing is begun again already, and the importance of the grain crop seems to have established itself at last in the national mind.

Coal Rationing is being rapidly arranged as foreshadowed. The scheme will work out for the benefit of the poor who will be entitled to an amount fully equal to their usual pre-War consumption.

The larger houses will undoubtedly find their supply much curtailed, the year’s allowance for the Rectory being only 11 tons, three tons of coke being allowed to be substituted for two tons of coal.

Next entry: 25th September 1918

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