Saturday 16 August 2014

The Diary of Montague Hardwick Knott, 1957 (22)

Friday 16.8.57

Another day has sped its way. H feels an emotional strain living opposite her old home & seeing people go in & out. However she has been very courageous & I have admired her spirit in what must be trying circumstances for any house-wife let alone one of H’s age.

Whilst H stayed at home this am I went to B’m.  Called at Ongar Hosp to see Mrs Jopson. She is making good progress tho’ still seriously ill. She appreciated my call & the flowers I took were, she said, her favourites.

Found nobody working at the house.  Called on Miss Thomas re Paslow services, on the Simmons & the Woods. Anne S showed me her engagement ring. Roy Horsnell is her fiancĂ©. Was home for 1o’c lunch.

Had a good sleep this pm & then to work in my temporary study. After tea to work again & at 8o’c H & I walked round to Joyce Stunt’s where we stayed for an hour.

Tonight’s radio told of a man being charged at Woodford with the criminal assault & murder of a boy of seven on Saturday last. Poor child & poor murderer. What processes of filthy lust led him to such degradation & what remorse gnaws at his conscience now. 

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