Sunday 10 August 2014

The Diary of Montague Hardwick Knott, 1957 (18)

Saturday 10.8.57

It hasn’t been such a happy day in some respects especially for my darling. I had been to B’m, taking Annette with me where I found continued progress w the Vicarage. Minnie & H were in the kitchen when I returned & when I spoke of the progress H was scornful & sceptical. […] I do not sufficiently remember that my dear one is twenty years older than I & that all the change & stress of present events are far more trying to one past seventy than to one past fifty.


Was busy in my study after 2hrs sleep this pm. Finished preparing sermons for tomorrow & planned services for tomorrow week. Called on Mother & Roy for half an hour this eve. Roy is rebuilding the scullery to make a kitchenette & seems to be doing well.

It was a year ago tomorrow that I had a slight stroke. Thinking back on that experience & the sense of impotence, the slurred speech & useless left arm & leg, I rejoice in God’s goodness & my wonderful recovery. I shall never forget the courage of dear H & all she did for me then. 

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