Saturday 1 December 2007

Blackmore: Mothers' Union

The closing of the local branch of the Mothers’ Union at the end of 2006 marked the end of an era of meetings which took place, perhaps continuously for over 100 years. This is a report from the Essex Weekly News, 4 January 1907, discovered whilst looking for information on the church organ.

NEW YEAR’S PARTY – The members of the Mothers’ Union were entertained at the Church Hall on New Year’s Day by Miss Hull, of the Priory, and Mrs Petrie. A large and happy party sat down to tea, and afterwards much homely fun was indulged in. A fine Christmas tree was laden with gifts. Each member of the Mothers’ Union was the recipient of a gaily decorated canister of tea, while all visitors received boxes of chocolates. The fathers were each presented with a packet of tobacco. The surprise of the evening took the form of presentations of the three ladies who take the keenest interest in the mothers – viz. Miss Hull, Mrs Petrie and Miss Janet Hull. The first-named lady was presented with a morocco writing case beautifully fitted: Mrs Petrie with a very pretty Prussian leather lady’s companion and purse: and Miss Janet Hull received a Swede purse. Mrs Woollard, Mrs Wiltshire, and Messrs C Pagram and C Speller sang some of the good old songs: and hearty cheers were given to Miss Hull and Miss Janet Hull, the Rev. W. L. Petrie, Mrs Petrie, and the Mothers’ Union. Miss Hull, who is never happier then when doing some kindness to her neighbours, thanked the mothers and Mrs Petrie most heartily for her present.

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