Tuesday 12 January 2010

Blackmore: On A Winter's Day

Megarrys Antique Shop open for business on 7 January 2010, a particularly icy cold day in Blackmore (Essex)


Gloria said...

Hi, I would like to know how cold does it get in your village and for how many months. Your village looks so beautiful in the winter at least for me who is use to the 90 degree and above temperatures here in deep South Texas.



Andrew Smith said...

Typical winter temperatures in this part of Essex range from a low of (-)3C to +7C (about 25 to 45F). It is rare for ponds to freeze in winter. This season has been exceptionally cold - perhaps the coldest since 1991 - and the longest cold snap for about 30 years. We rarely get snow, unlike northern England and, strangely enough, the county of Kent which juts out into the English Channel and catches the bad weather from the continent or winds from eastern Europe. Essex is actually one of the driest parts of the country.