Sunday 15 February 2015

Brentwood Borough Council Development Plan

Received by e mail

Blackmore Village and our Green Belt.

Did you know:-
•    That Brentwood Council’s Development Plan has identified land within Blackmore Village, sufficient for well in excess of one hundred new homes to be constructed?
•    Two, well known, Housebuilding Companies have already acquired Options to purchase two fields in Blackmore? One of these is between Redrose Lane and Woollard Way, the second  being the other side of Fingrith Hall Road, linking with Orchard Piece.
The two Builders have indicated to the Council that c.90 homes can be built on one field and c.40 homes on the other. If the smaller scheme finds its way into the final Development Plan, it will increase the number of homes in Blackmore by almost 10%, and obviously much more if the larger scheme happens….or both of them…..The infrastructure of the Village will struggle to cope and the look and feel of the Village would change forever.
If you like Blackmore ‘the way it is’ and if you are interested in helping to protect our Green Belt,  then please do not wait and see what happens, rather make sure that: 
1.    You read the recent note circulated by our Parish Council
2.    You spend proper time on the Brentwood Council web-site and read the Development Plan in full…..yes, it’s dull, but they promised to consult with residents and this is our opportunity to help shape the future.
3.    And don’t delay in sending back your Consultation Feedback Forms.
Yes, a resounding ‘vote’ in favour of a large scale development at Dunton Garden Suburb will help alleviate the pressure to ‘grow’ the Villages, but it’s important that we do all that we can to take care of OUR destiny here in Blackmore.

THE CLOSING DATE IS 17th FEBRUARY, so please don’t delay. Your views will count.

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