Churches Open To Visitors: Summer 2009
The Priory Church of St Laurence, Blackmore
(From 3 May to 4 October)
Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
2.30 – 4.30pm
Teas In The Tower on the 1st Sunday in the month
St Peter & St Paul, Stondon Massey
Sunday 10 May, Sunday 14 June, Sunday 12 July, Sunday 9 August, Sunday 13 September
2.30 – 4.30pm
Teas served
All Saints’, Doddinghurst
Sunday 21 June, Sunday 19 July, Sunday 16 August, Sunday 20 September.
2.30 – 4.30pm
Strawberry Cream Teas on 19 July
Revd. Canon Ivy Crawford leaves Blackmore for pastures new
Revd. Canon Ivy Crawford, Vicar of Blackmore and Rector of Stondon Massey, left the village on 19th April to take up a new role in the Chelmsford Diocese and as priest in charge of five parishes near Little Easton. Canon Ivy was Blackmore’s first women priest – being one of the earliest ordained in the Church of England – and served the parish in a ministry spanning almost 14 years. In a farewell address at a Service before a packed congregation she said, “I have been privileged to share with so many families in their joys and pain. I have been blessed in seeing so many people come closer to God, and grow in their relationship with him.”
Harlow. Sculpture Town
Harlow’s internationally important sculptures in the urban landscape are being promoted in a new tourist campaign from this month with brown signs declaring ‘Harlow. Sculpture Town’.
Brentwood Was Revolting
A new book, ‘A Summer of Blood’ by Daniel Jones, has just been published according to the History Times website.
“The Peasants’ Revolt of the summer of 1381, led by the mysterious Wat Tyler and the visionary preacher John Ball, was one of the bloodiest events in British history. To finance an unyielding war with France, a reckless and oppressive tax was imposed upon the English lower orders. Ravaged by war, plague and tyranny, England’s villagers rose against their masters for the first time in history. Initial resistance in the Essex village of Brentwood swiftly inspired the desire for revenge in other communities. The outcome of their brave and tragic rising changed England forever.”
For more information go to: http://www.historytimes.com/history-books/book-reviews/five-new-releases-to-look-out-for
Essex Way
Having walked the entire Essex Way over five consecutive days in 1997, I was interested to see Richard Jackson, an artist (and blogger), has begun his own record of the walk from Epping to Harwich via Ongar, Willingale through to Good Easter. For more visit: http://essexway.blogspot.com/.
Ingatestone Hall gatehouse
An unusual and excellent picture taken of the Tudor gatehouse at Ingatestone Hall and one taken from the Lime Walk of the house, both taken by ‘chris37111’ appears on ‘Flicker’. Follow link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chris37111/3447670758/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/chris37111/3444354461/
Norton Mandeville Church
This month's photo is of All Saints', Norton Mandeville. Barry Slemmings entry on ‘Flicker’ contains a history and photograph of the interior of Norton Mandeville Church. Follow this link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/barryslemmings/3461306462/in/photostream/. The whole set of pictures can be accessed by following http://www.flickr.com/photos/barryslemmings/sets/72057594132610691/
Suckling’s Memorials of Essex
As promised last month, part of this work (dated 1845) will be serialised on this blog starting next week.
For an extensive list of links to other sites go to: www.blackmorehistory.co.uk/externallinks.html.
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