Produced for the Transactions of the Essex Archaeology Society (Vol. XXI, Part 2) in 1937 by Revd. G Montagu Benton, M.A., F.S.A.
VEER, MATILDA DE, COUNTESS OF OXFORD – Wednesday ... 1366. To be buried in the conventual church [of Earls Colne, Essex] near the body of my worshipful lord Earl deceased, in the upper arch where the tomb for our bodies (in superiori archa ubi tumba pro corporibus nostris) … To be distributed to poor folk on the day of my burial. 40l. [£40] of silver.
After payment of my debts, and those of my late husband, the lord Earl [John de Vere, 7th Earl of Oxford, whose will is dated 1359]: to the monks of Colne pro opere dicte ecclesie, 100 marks of silver; to the prior and convent of the said house, to pray specially for my soul and the soul of my deceased lord, 10l. of silver to the high altar of the parish church where I shall happen to die, 5 marks of silver; to the brotherhood (freternitati) of the town of Colne [Earls Colne], 100s. of silver; to the house of monks of Hathfeld, 20l. of silver; to the house of Canons de le Blakemour [Blackmore], 100s. of silver; to the priory of monks of Hydyngham ad Castrum [Castle Hedingham], 10 marks of silver; to the priory of the monks of Swafham [Swaffham, Norfolk], 10 marks of silver; to the convent of friars minors of Colecestre [Colchester], 20 marks of silver; to the convent of the friars of the order of St. Augustine of Clare [Clare, Suffolk], 10 marks of silver ; to the convent of friars minors of Gipeweya (lpswich), 10 marks of silver ; to the convent of Carmelite friars of Gippeweya, 5 marks of silver ; to the convent of Friars preachers [and] Carmelites of Malton (Maldon), 10 marks sterling to the convent of Friars preachers of Chelmesford [Chelmsford], 5 marks of silver; to the convent of Friars minors of Cambridge, 10 marks of silver; to the convent of Friars preachers of Cambridge, 5 marks of silver; to the convent of the friars of St. Augustine at Cambridge, 5 marks of silver; to the convent of Carmelite friars at Cambridge, 5 marks of silver.
To Thomas de Veer, my son, 2 silver bowls (ollas) for wine, namely, those two greater ones that were bought from the executors of the Lady de Burgh also two smaller bowls also 12 silver dishes, namely, 6 of greater size, and 6 of lesser size, that were bought from the said executors; and a great red bed (lectum rubrum) powdered (pulveratum) with white stars. To the same Thomas, in every manor written below, one plough with eight plough beasts, not of the better kind, nor of the worst, but capable (unam carucam cum octo bestiis carucariis, non de melioribus bestiis, nec de peioribus, sed de competentibus) namely, in Colne, one plough, and one plough each in boictule (?), Canefeld [Canfield], Stanstede [Stansted], Hormed [Great Hormead, Hertfordshire], Bomsted, Canupes (Castle Camps), Abiton (Abington), Lavenham, Cokfeld, Aldham, Bodynghurst, Kesyngton (Kensington) and Flete.
To my daughter, the countess consort of the aforesaid Thomas, a brooch with an eagle (unam nouche cum j egle); also a little gold cup (ciphum) with a cover, namely, that cup which I had of the gift of my kinswoman, de Mohoun. To my son, Albric, 12 silver dishes of those bought from the executors of the Lady de Bourgh; also 3 silver bowls and a red bed with new carpets (cum novis tapetis). To the said Albric, … deaurato; also pro staur’ emend’ pro terries quas sibi … To Margaret Beumond, my daughter. a gold pyx (pixidem), and a tablet of gold ... ; also a ring with a ruby (j anulum cum j rubie magnum rotundum). To … a gold cup (cupam) of the better sort. To my kinswoman, the Lady de Mohoun, a brooch (nouche) … and a ring with a large diamond (diamant magno). To my same kinswoman, a book . dc Sancto Spiritu.
To Sir John de Sutton, senior, a mug with a cover (j godet cum cooperculo) … To his consort, a tablet of gold, a rosary of coral (unam par pat’ nost’ de cural), and a buckle (firmaculum) ... To . . . Pychard, a black robe furred, with all the ornaments (garniamentis) of the said robe ... To Ele Houwel, a robe of medley (medlee) furred, with all the ornaments belonging to [it] of silver. To Elizabet de Beauchamp, a robe of tawny (tane) furred also 40l. of silver. To Johanne Broweys, a robe of russet furred; also 10 marks of silver. To Thomas Towe, 20l of silver ... 100s. of silver. To John Hodebouill .a robe of bluett (blueto) furred, with the ornaments … 10 marks of silver. To Si,’ Robert de Nelynghurst, 6 silver dishes … Prior of Maldone. To Sir John Pelham, a black vestment of velvet ... of black velvet, and 2 riddels of sindon (ij ridellis de sindone) for the altar; also a large … a gold rosary, a gold buckle, and 40 … . To brother Simon de Tunstede, my confessor, 20l. of silver. To Matilda of the chamber (de camera), a bed … To brother Laurence de Ryburgh, 100s. of silver. To brother William de Eylis (?) … To the aforesaid Matilda, 5 marks of silver. To Thomas of the chamber, 10l. of silver. To John, 10 marks of silver. To master Robert Coco (? Cook), 10l. of silver. To Richard Cook, my butler, 10l. of silver. To John de Heulee, clerk, 5 marks of silver. To Stephen Barbour, 5 marks of silver. To John de Baryngton, clerk, 5 marks of silver. To John Hwyte, my groom of the chamber (garcioni camere mee), 40s. of silver; also a tunic of sanguine furred, with orfrevs (or’ys). To my other household servants, 13l. 6s. 8d. at the discretion of my executors.
To celebrate divine service for my soul and the souls of my friends and relations, 33l. 6s. 8d. of silver.
Residue to my executors, to be disposed for the health of my soul, and the soul of my lord, the late Earl. Executors: Thomas de Veer, my very dear son, Earl of Oxford ; Albric de Veer, my son; Sir John Sutton, senior, and the Lady Margaret, his consort; Sir Robert de Naylynghurst; Thomas Tuwe; Sir John de Pelham.
In Latin. (G. 124a.)